frank steenhuisen safari guide photographer

Frank Steenhuisen



Originally from Pretoria, South Africa, Frank Steenhuisen's early exposure to the wilderness of the Greater Kruger National Park ignited a lifelong passion for wildlife and conservation. Despite relocating to Australia during his youth, Frank's heart remained in Africa, leading him back to become a professional safari guide.

Frank’s childhood was deeply intertwined with the African wilderness. Regular visits to his family’s holiday home in the Greater Kruger National Park laid the foundation for his profound connection to nature. This early exposure saw him spend countless hours learning about Africa’s diverse ecosystems, from tracking leopards to understanding the intricate balance of the Lowveld ecosystem.

His move to Australia at 12 did little to diminish this passion. Regular trips back to South Africa and its neighboring countries deepened his bond with the continent. Recognizing his true calling, Frank returned to South Africa for an intensive safari guide training program, during which he met Gesa, his future wife and partner in many adventures.

Today, as a co-founder of SAFARI FRANK, he leverages over two decades of safari experience in Big 5 terrain to offer unparalleled experiences to guests. Specializing in Photographic & Birding Safaris, Frank guides guests through some of Africa’s most pristine locations.

His expertise also extends to wildlife photography, a skill honed alongside Gesa. Together, they have embarked on photographic assignments across Africa, capturing the continent’s beauty and sharing it with the world.

Frank’s deep-rooted connection to Africa, combined with his extensive field experience, makes him a sought-after guide and wildlife photographer, ensuring that every safari experience is both educational and unforgettable.

Frank's latest blog posts



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